7 Things No One Will Tell You About Wedding Branding In India

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When you already have so much on your plate trying to sort out your wedding arrangements, branding your wedding may seem intimidating and complex. There’s nothing to be concerned about! In fact, the first step in organising your wedding or imagining your wedding day to communicate to your wedding planner is to brand your wedding. Inadvertently, most brides and couples start drawing out branding for their wedding. So, we’re here to assist you with the ABC of wedding branding.

1. What Is Wedding Branding?

Wedding branding is similar to the branding of a corporation or a brand name. Simply put, wedding branding entails picturing your wedding day and/or functions. It’s all of a bride’s or couple’s minor desires, such as the wedding theme, the use of a specific colour, or a fondness for a specific blossom! It’s a terrific way to make your wedding stand out by adding a personal touch.

2. Why Should You Opt To Brand Your Wedding?

You may use this information for all parts of your wedding, including the stationery designer, wedding coordinator, florist, photographer, caterer, and even music, if you brand your wedding in advance, even before you purchase save the dates. Professional wedding stationery can help you with this and present you with a finished “board” that you may use during your wedding. If you’re on a budget, you can also DIY your brand – if you’re willing to do the research, branding your wedding doesn’t have to be expensive.

3. Pick Your Colour Palette Carefully

Examine the images to see if there are any colours that you would like to incorporate. Choose 4-5 colours that appeal to you, and consider the bridesmaid gowns, flowers, and other accessories you might like to use. The colours you choose should complement your appearance. If you’re trying for a romantic theme, for example, you might prefer soft pastels to bold hues like black and red. Brown, white, and green are often good choices for a rustic atmosphere.

4. Start With Inspirations

Even ten years ago, there were far fewer possibilities for wedding design inspiration. You might cut pages from a wedding magazine and save them, or mentally tuck away memories from parties you’ve attended in person.

Ideas, on the other hand, are everywhere these days, especially on Pinterest and Instagram. That can be beneficial as well as detrimental.

We recommend making distinct folders or boards for different categories instead of keeping everything from bouquets to “ab workouts for brides” in one location.

Another thing to keep in mind is that terms like “glam,” “boho,” and “preppy” can signify a lot of different things to different individuals, so typing them into a search bar will provide a lot of varied results. Instead of wasting time on Pinterest sifting through irrelevant possibilities, click into an image that catches your eye, then scroll down to see what “More like this” photo options are available—they’ll almost certainly be far closer to what you’re looking for. Round up, research smartly!

5. Let The Professionals Handle

Bringing in an event planner and/or designer—someone who spends their professional life sweating the minute details and knows what’s truly available in your area and on your budget—is the greatest approach to make your wedding design ideas a reality if you have the funds.

Having a planner also allows you to enjoy the process because it provides the structure of what needs to be done when. With their assistance, you’ll have someone else to worry about remaining on track and meeting deadlines, allowing you to focus on the more “fun” aspects of the job, such as choosing cocktail hour apps or stationery.

6. Pay attention to The Aesthetics

Aesthetics are another important aspect of your branded wedding. If you want to make the wedding simple and romantic, use decorations that reflect that approach. A rustic style would be ideal for those that care about the environment. For example for a royal wedding, you will choose a location that will give you those regal vibes like a medieval fort, the best ones being in Udaipur and Jaipur (capital of royal weddings). Choose a style that both you and your partner enjoy.

7. Did You Know Weddings Can Have Logos Too?

Weddings, too, can have logos! This can be as simple as a creative illustration of your wedding site, your favourite flower, or a custom monogram with your initials, among other things. Many prepackaged designs include logos, so making one from scratch may not be essential. From the save the dates to the reception and thank you notes that you can hand out with the wedding favours, you’ll use this on all of your paper products.

If you are one of those trendsetting millennial couples who want to infuse a strong personalized touch to their big day and all its ceremonies, wedding branding is just for you. Do share your thoughts about the same in the comments section below!

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