7 Useful Tips From The Experts For Choosing The Perfect Wedding Venue

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Choosing the ideal venue to recite your wedding vows will play a role in making your dream wedding a reality. And every part of the experience, from aesthetics to things like restroom capacity and parking space, will need to be considered. If it feels daunting, we’ve got you covered with 7 expert tips for picking the perfect wedding venue for you and your partner.

1. Fixate Your Budget

When planning your wedding, keeping a budget in mind is critical. This will eliminate infeasible ideas, keep you within the realm of possibility, and save you a lot of time. Once you’ve agreed on a venue budget, you’ll need to narrow down your options in your selected city based on your final budget. When you’re shortlisting ideal wedding locations for your wedding day, this will help you save time and make a practical decision.

2. Prepare Your Guest List Carefully

Every wedding venue has a capacity or the maximum number of guests it can accommodate. While you don’t have to come up with an exact number of attendees before choosing a venue, you will need to have a good approximation. The difference between a venue that can host 75 people and one that can hold 500 is significant. Don’t just make up a guest list on the spot. To avoid any huge surprises, later on, sit down with your partner and respective families to make a list (you can always add or subtract a few guests if you need it).

3. You Need To Block A Date & Time

You won’t be able to book the ideal wedding venue unless you’ve determined your wedding date and time. Knowing which of the places you want is available ahead of time makes selecting the best venue much easier. The time of the celebrations, according to our experts, is equally important. If the wedding is being held indoors, the venue must offer air-conditioned, large common areas. The lighting needs to be taken care of at night.

4. Choose A Feasible Location

When it comes to deciding where to tie the knot, there are several factors to consider. You don’t want to have your visitors jump through hoops to get to your big day, even though it’s your big day! Consider the following:

  • How far is the airport/railway station/bus stand from the venue?
  • Are there any hotels or other places to stay nearby?
  • Is the location pretty easy to find or completely off the beaten path?
  • What about the parking facility? Is valet parking available?

If you’re planning a weekday wedding, you’ll also want to factor in commuting times—especially if you’re getting married in an overcrowded location, mind the traffic!

Although it’s preferable to make things as simple as possible for your guests, there’s no reason you can’t have a venue that is a bit off-beat. Simply go the extra mile (pun intended) on your wedding invitation by including super-detailed travel information.

5. Define Your Wedding Style

When it comes to wedding venues, you want one that complements your style. Are you looking for a rustic-style venue with original wood floors, exposed masonry, and lots of natural light? For which venues like Neemrana Fort Palace are highly recommended. Perhaps you’d prefer a reception hall with an open floor plan that gracefully integrates ancient and contemporary elements? If that’s the case, Alila Fort could be the ideal choice. We recommend a Udaipur Wedding if you want to surprise your guests with high ceilings and a wonderful view of both city and the waterfront. Look for a location that reflects your and your spouse’s personalities.

6. Be The Early Bird

The sooner you start inquiring about availability at potential venues, the better, especially if you’re hoping for a brief engagement. Wedding venues, particularly in major cities, tend to fill up quickly, so you can’t afford to wait. To discover more about our availability, schedule a visit or contact our events team to see if we can find a date and place that works for you.

7. Beware Of The Restrictions

Although most venues go out of their way to assist couples in realising their wedding dreams, there are some constraints and limitations that must be adhered to. Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you understand what these are.

If you want a band, for example, you don’t want to hire a venue that has a stringent no-live-music policy. If having your little furry friend as the ring bearer is a must-have, you’ll want to find a pet-friendly venue. If the venue is limited to beers and/or wines and champagnes, you won’t be able to create that fantastic custom drink you’ve been dreaming about.

Venues have restrictions in place for a reason, and they don’t frequently make exceptions just because you want something badly enough. That is the unmistakable truth. Every venue has its restrictions that could affect your big event, from utilising candles and sparklers to hanging décor from the rafters.

If you are having trouble finding yourself the perfect wedding venue, you can also resort to our services, we shall surely help you out to get the right catch at the right price!

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